The Face of Europe is a cultural non-profit making organisation (French loi 1901), created by Photographer Stephen Huljak in 2005. Its purpose is to bring together the people and cultures of the countries that make up the European Union through photographs, portraits, exhibiting these portraits in all the capitals in order to present those who build Europe each day.

In this step, the contemporary photographer Stephen Huljak carries out catches of sights in the 25 capitals of the European Union. He realizes in each one of these places, at a rate of 12 portraits in 12 different districts, 144 portraits of inhabitants of these cities which for one moment tighten their face to him.
Brought in its term this project will consist of an exposure of the
hard copies of 3600 faces of Europeans, in regroupings different
energy from the board-contact to the insulated portrait, and this, in very large sizes.
An exposure of the photographs carried out to 12 gates of Paris already took place in 2005 and this demonstration was a real success.

The project is under development and the collection of approximately 1700 faces was already carried out, thanks to a specific partnership with Air France, in Vilnius, Riga, Stockholm, Brussels, Madrid, Lisbon, Luxembourg, Copenhagen and Dublin...
In each one of these capitals of the profitable contacts are tied which let hope that this exposure finds in each place a space of greeting for its presentation.
The exposure will constitute the cultural event of the day of Europe in Portugal in May 2006.
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